The coverage map shows the network coverage for our customers.
A capable device and qualifying service are required for a network connection.
5G: Not all 5G devices & signals are
compatible; check your device specs. 5G devices may use 4G LTE, 5G Extended Range, and 5G Ultra Capacity signals and
dynamically route traffic between the signals to support your connectivity, which could result in instances where your
device indicates a connection to one signal type even though you are temporarily utilizing other signals. While 5G access
won't require a certain plan or feature, some uses/services might. See
Terms and Conditions and
Open Internet information for network management details (like video optimization).
Map Information:
Map approximates anticipated coverage outdoors(including 600Mhz 4G LTE) based on a variety of factors, which may include limited or no coverage areas, and does not
guarantee service availability; some data-intensive uses may have decreased functionality in low-bandwidth areas, especially
indoors or on the exterior edges of the approximated coverage area. Within coverage areas, network changes, traffic volume,
outages, technical limitations, signal strength, your equipment, obstructions, weather and other conditions may interfere
with service quality and availability. Some coverage (e.g., Narrowband IoT, millimeter wave 5G) not depicted.
Map does not represent ETC defined coverage areas. An ETC is a Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier
service provider, authorized by a federal or state regulatory agency, to provide Lifeline service in a
specific geographic area. Lifeline service is available only in areas where Assurance Wireless is authorized
to offer it.
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